These are practice worksheets for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. These worksheets include reading, writing, numeracy and technology, with a strong focus on reading.
The worksheets can be used for the introduction, reinforcement and consolidation of concepts. Examples of worksheets include:
Food label
Personal safety checklist
Job application
Social media
Signs and symbols
** Topics include:**
At home
Going places
These worksheets are designed to cover many learning outcomes and there is a full list of the learning objectives at the end of the resource.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software.
What is included?
Student worksheets
Student Worksheets: 250 Pages
Reading Questions for teenagers and adults with special education needs. The assessments can be used as initial assessment to develop an understanding of the learners’ needs, or they can be used for inclusion in the learners’ portfolios.
The exercises have been divided into the following categories:
Word focus
Text focus
Sentence focus
Reading comprehension
66 Pages
This is an introduction to Mindfulness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to mindfulness, including:
An introduction to mindfulness
Mindfulness practice
Guided meditations (transcripts available)
Breathing techniques
Flight, fright or freeze
Practising acceptance
Health benefits of mindfulness
Thoughts are not facts
Taking care of yourself
Course evaluation
Topics include:
The automatic pilot
Present-moment focus
Doing everyday activities mindfully
Ways to reduce stress
Facing challenges
Mental health
Happier life
Avoiding negative thinking and judgement
Practising mindfulness techniques
Finding focus
Time for ‘technology-free’
Life balance
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is designed to be used in person. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets are best printed, although teachers can use also them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and guided meditation transcripts.
Student Worksheets: 122 Pages
Teaching Slides: 139
These are free thinking puzzles for mainstream students and those with special educational needs. There are 50 questions and answers.
These puzzles can:
Get students thinking in a relaxed environment where they can share ideas and participate more fully in the class
Encourage critical and creative thinking
Develop problem-solving skills
Encourage students to share ownership for the learning environment of the class
Build rapport among students and foster a productive learning environment
Prepare students for collaborative group work
Make learning fun!
Q&A Slides: 114
Level 2 Preparing for Work
This is an introduction to Preparing for Work for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to preparing for work, including:
Finding out about work
Preparing for work-related activities
Taking part in a work-related activity
Topics include:
Choosing a career
Looking for a job
Writing a CV, including talents, values, skills, etc.
Preparing for an interview
Punctuality and attendance record
Work values
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Identify different jobs that people do in their school
List three local employment opportunities
Describe one way in which people get a job or course of their choice
List possible jobs that students are interested in and find information on the requirements for the job
Visit a local employer and review the visit
Learn how to use work tools or equipment safely
Participate in a work-related activity
Review the activity to evaluate its success
Students assess effectiveness of own role in activity
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 162 Pages
Teaching Slides: 75 Pages
Level 3 Nutrition and Healthy Options
This is an introduction to Nutrition and Healthy Options for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to nutrition and healthy options, including:
Nutrition and Nutrients
Food safety
Cooking vegetables
Topics include:
Healthy eating
The digestive process
Eating disorders
Food allergy and intolerance
Poor nutrition
Food safety Ireland
Correct food storage methods
Health benefits of vegetables
Preparing vegetable accompaniments and meals
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Explain the basic principles of food safety and associated legislation
Explain the role of nutrients in the body and the concept of a balanced diet
Describe the human digestive process
List common dietary disorders
Discuss contemporary nutritional issues related to food production
Identify ingredients relevant to special dietary needs
Describe the impact of purchasing, storage, preparation and cooking on nutritional value
Demonstrate the versatility of vegetables, as an accompaniment or as a well-balanced stand-alone meal
Prepare a limited range of varied and palatable meals for vegetarians
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource and the printable and fillable versions are included. If using the fillable version, students can type in their answers and save it on their device.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 141 Pages
Teaching Slides: 59 Pages
Level 3 Application of Number
This is an introduction to Application of Number for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to application of number, including:
Measurement and Capacity
Problem Solving
Topics include:
Number systems
Rounding off
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Fractions, decimals and percentages
Calculator skills
Properties of shapes
Area and volume
Measurement skills
Everyday problem solving
Finding solutions
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Explain the concepts of natural numbers (N) integers (Z) and real numbers
Demonstrate equivalence between common simple fractions, decimals and percentages
Use a calculator to perform functions eg. +, -, x, %, memory keys and clear key
Give approximations by using different strategies.
Demonstrate accuracy of calculations by applying the principle mathematical functions
Describe shape and space constructs using language appropriate to shape.
Draw everyday objects to scale using a range of mathematical instruments
Calculate the area of a square, rectangle, triangle and circle by applying the correct formula
Calculate the volume of a cylinder by applying the correct formula
Understand simple scaled drawings.
Demonstrate metric measurement skills
Calculate solutions to real life quantitative problems
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not fillable online, and it is recommended that worksheets are printed as mathematical symbols and formats may be difficult for students to type in. If a fillable format is required, there is specialised software available online.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher slides, teacher notes and answers.
Student Worksheets: 159 Pages
Teaching Slides: 99 Pages
Level 4 Work Experience
This is an introduction to Work Experience for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, slides and student journal.
The resource is intended to introduce students to work experience, including:
General work-related information
Evidence of planning and preparation
Work placement
Topics include:
Factors affecting work opportunities
Rights and responsibilities - employers and employees
Personal audit / profile
Job-seeking kit
Guidelines for work experience journal
Diary/record of activities
Future education, training and employment
Reflection on work placement
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
List factors which influence work opportunities
Describe the impact of paid and unpaid workforce participation
Identify the basic rights and responsibilities of employees and employers
Identify personal strengths, interpersonal and work-related skills, drawing on other life experiences
Summarise potential employment and learning opportunities that match personal strengths and, interests and skills
Compile relevant material for work experience, to include a CV, letter of application, skills checklist, statement of learning goals and associated action points
Participate effectively in work experience to include punctuality, working under direction, personal presentation, adherence to health, safety and other relevant regulations
Reflect on the period of work experience and the progress made on the learning goals and action points that were set
Demonstrate effective communications skills in the workplace
Explore options for future education, training and employment in light of work experience
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
Student Worksheets, teaching slides and student journal
Student Worksheets: 73 Pages
Slides: 61
Level 3 Office Procedures
This is an introduction to Office Procedures for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and student notes.
The resource is intended to introduce students to office procedures, including:
About the office environment
Working in an office environment
Topics include:
Organisational structures
Formal and informal structures
Which department
Office supplies
Office equipment
Answering the phone
Preparing documents
Health and safety in an office environment
Working as part of a team
Delivering quality work
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Outline the formal structures or departments commonly found in a large organisation
Describe equipment and software packages
Outline the primary means of receiving, sourcing, recording and managing and circulating business related information and documentation
Describe contracts of employment
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of confidentiality in an office
Prepare a variety of physical documents
Carry out a broad range of general reception duties
Maintain a petty cash float
Communicate efficiently, noting messages concisely and conveying accurately to relevant staff
Demonstrate the application of communications team working and quality awareness in an office environment
Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an office environment
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
Student worksheets, teaching slides and student notes
Student worksheets: 83 Pages
Slides: 52
This is a follow-up to Measurement for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets teaching slides and a teacher preparation table.
The resource is intended to give students everyday measurement activities including:
Length and Distance
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Develop an awareness of temperature
Develop an awareness of weight and capacity
Develop an awareness of length and distance
Develop an awareness of time
Topics include:
Measurement vocabulary
Measurement in everyday life
Measuring tools
Estimating measurements
Measuring temperature, weight, capacity and length
Weather temperatures
Days of the week, months of the year
The calendar
Analogue and digital time
Elapsed time
Measurement word problems
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is designed to be used in person. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets are best printed, although teachers can use also them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides
Student Worksheets: 187 Pages
Teaching Slides: 66
Level 2 Personal Care
This is an introduction to Personal Care for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and templates.
The resource is intended to introduce students to personal care, including:
Personal hygiene
Personal health
Personal care checklist
Topics include:
Bathing, hand washing, cleaning your skin, washing your hair
Keeping active
Sleeping well
Benefits of water
Food safety
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
List essential daily care practices
Identify some benefits and consequences of good personal care
Explain the benefits of a range of daily care products eg. dental care, anti-perspirant, hair care, foot care
Maintain an agreed personal plan
List reasons to care for personal belongings
Identify appropriate clothing for a range of routine activities at home, work and the community
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and templates.
Student Worksheets: 107 Pages
Teaching Slides: 121 Slides
Level 2 Reading
This is an introduction to Reading for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, extra reading activities and sight word lists.
The resource is intended to introduce students to reading, including:
Reading basics
Signs and symbols
Common words
Sight words
Everyday texts when out
Reading strategies
Topics include:
The alphabet
Common texts include numbers, the calendar, places, questions, family, technology, jobs, etc.
Everyday texts include labels, directions, email, text message, notice, timetable, menu, note, ticket, poster, etc.
Reading strategies include key words, think pair share, text purpose, syllables, text features, text connections, visualisation, etc.
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(R1) Read familiar words that are commonly used and have personal meaning.
(R2) Use simple rules and text conventions that support meaning.
(R3) Interpret different forms of writing and text, including social sight signs and symbols.
(R4) Find key information from different forms of writing.
(R5) Use reading strategies, e.g. clues, context, sound, prediction and decoding.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and sight word lists.
Student Worksheets: 175 Pages
Extra Reading Activities: 38 Slides
Level 2 Quantitative Problem Solving
This is an introduction to Quantitative Problem Solving for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to quantitative problem solving, including:
Maths terms and symbols
Quantitative elements
Problem-solving approaches
Finding solutions
Topics include:
Number words
Even and odd numbers
Problem-solving words
Numbers in everyday life
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Using flow charts
Everyday quantities
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Identify quantitative elements in a range of everyday circumstances e.g. daily budget, planning an outing including distances dates, times and costs
Be aware of approaches that can be used to solve quantitative problems, e.g. estimation, modeling and flow charts
Use mathematical terms and symbols to represent problems
Find a solutions to a real-life quantitative problem
Evaluate the solution obtained for the problem
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 213 Pages
Teaching Slides: 110
Level 2 Quantity and Number
This is an introduction to Quantity and Number for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and tables.
The resource is intended to introduce students to quantity and number, including:
Recognising numbers and place value
Addition and subtraction
Topics include:
Odd and even numbers
Recognising numbers
Numbers in everyday life
Place value
Weight, length and capacity
Big numbers
Addition words and sums
Subtraction words and sums
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Recognise numbers up to 100
Recognise the relationship between 100 and common large numbers for example 1,000, 100,000, 1 billion
Know place value in relation to units, tens, hundreds
Add two-digit numbers that total less than 100 in the context of an everyday situation
Subtract two-digit whole numbers that require number bonding up to 10 in the context of an everyday situation
Use the plus, minus and equal signs and operations
Estimate quantities to the nearest value of in broad terms e.g. to the nearest quantity in 10’s or 100’s as appropriate
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and tables.
Student Worksheets: 213 Pages
Teaching Slides: 110
Level 2 Personal Decision Making
This is an introduction to Personal Decision Making for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to making personal decisions, including:
Things that affect decisions
Consequences of decision-making
Topics include:
Everyday choices and decisions
Good and bad choices
Responsible decisions
Snap decisions
Steps for making decisions
Past experiences
Personal preferences
Decision-making strategies
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Name recent personal decision e.g. product choice, transport method, participation in learning/work
Identify the stages of a recent short term personal decision e.g. a decision to participate in an event from the invitation to attendance, choosing appropriate dress for the workplace, possibilities with a familiar limited budget to cover transport and food for a short trip
List some everyday personal choices involved in decision making e.g. choosing from a menu, contacting a friend/colleague
Identify influences and choices involved i n decision making e.g. personal preference, time/cost, elementary consequence for self/others, time/cost, elementary consequences for self/others, view of a trusted friend/colleague
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
Student worksheets and slides
Student Worksheets: 95 Pages
Slides: 44
Level 2 Managing Money
This is an introduction to Managing Money for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and answers.
The resource is intended to introduce students to managing money, including:
Euro Coins and notes
Shopping and bills
Topics include:
Comparison shopping
Checking your change
General money problems
Living expenses
Saving money
Needs and wants
Money safety
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Recognise frequently used Euro notes and coins
Pay for an item correctly and count the change in a mock-up or real-life shopping transaction
Explain a shopping receipt in relation to what was brought, money tendered and correct change given
Understand a common household bill in relation to the service provided, how much being charged and how it can be paid for
Recognise the difference between using money to buy essential items and luxury items
Plan a personal budget for a week
Save a small amount of money each week to buy an item
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and answers.
Student Worksheets: 153 Pages
Teaching Slides: 63
This is an introduction to Crime Awareness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and other extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to crime awareness, including:
Personal values
Wrongdoing and crime
Irish legal and justice system
Prison life
Topics include:
How values help
Wrongdoing and its impact
Attitudes and crime
Restorative justice
Prisoners’ rights
Effects of prison
Prison officers
Alternatives to prison
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Explain personal values and factors which influence them.
Identify situations of wrong doing and their impact on the individual, family and society.
Describe the difference between wrong doing and crime, and personal attitudes to crime.
Discuss factors which influence participation in offending behaviour and criminal behaviour.
Describe the impact of crime on victims’ feelings.
Explain restorative justice, its purpose, the process and the people involved in the process.
Discuss prison life, its impact on the prisoner, the family and friends, daily routine, prisoners’ rights and prison officers’ duties.
Describe elements of the Irish legal justice system including arrest, court appearance, verdict, Juvenile Liaison Officer, Community Garda, underage crime.
Role-play a scenario involving negotiation of agreement by all parties following committing an offence.
Describe the learning gained from participation in the role-play prior to reaching agreement.
Discuss the application of the justice system to young people and how it might be improved.
Discuss the effectiveness of prison and its alternatives on behaviour.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What materials are included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 125 Pages
Teaching Slides: 73 Slides
This is an introduction to computer literacy for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to computers and technology, including:
Introduction to I.T.
Using a computer application
Health, safety, hygiene and security
Topics include:
I.T. in everyday life
Social media
Computer hardware
Word processing exercises
Online safety
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
1 Outline how Information Technology affects everyday life
2 Explain commonplace Information Technology concepts and terminology
3 Describe the health, safety and personal hygiene considerations of working with computers
4 Describe information security considerations
5 Outline the functions of the main hardware elements of a computer
6 Operate computer hardware by performing all required steps including connecting all required devices, and powering up and shutting down equipment appropriately
7 Use a range a keyboard capabilities
8 Use a computer application to create a file
9 Apply relevant environmental impact reduction, health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an ICT environment.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 85 Pages
Teaching Slides: 46 Pages
This is an introduction to Communications for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and documents.
The resource is intended to introduce students to **everyday communications **including:
What is communication
Reading Writing
Interpersonal communication
Topics include:
Improving communications
Reading comprehension
Reading techniques
Text features, e.g., CV, blog, advertisement, fictional texts, etc.
Everyday writing tasks, e.g. invitation, email, proofreading, formal letter, journal, etc.
Using social media
Signs and symbols
Nonverbal communication, e.g., gestures, visual aids, etc.
Factors affecting interpersonal communication
Effective listening and speaking
Vocabulary relating to work, health and finances
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
1.1 Outline a limited range of reading techniques to include scanning, skimming
1.2 Read a limited range of different texts
1.3 Use a limited range of reading techniques
1.4 Extract the main facts, ideas and opinions from simple written material
2.1 Use drafting, proof reading, spelling and sentence structure that is fit for purpose
2.2 Write to support learning to include note and message taking, expressive writing, and learning aids
2.3 Interact with others through a limited range of current electronic and social networking technologies
Interpersonal Communications*
3.1 Interpret common signs, symbols and non-verbal messages
3.2 Identify the principal factors affecting everyday interpersonal communication
3.3 Use non-verbal signals and visual aids to convey different messages
3.4 Initiate a conversation in different settings
3.5 Narrate observations, events, experience, feedback and procedures
3.6 Use questioning techniques
3.7 Use the vocabulary appropriate to a range of public contexts, to include personal health care, working life, financial transactions.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. It is a printable version only. Teachers can also use the resource for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and documents.
Student Worksheets: 218 Pages
Slides: 195
This is a set of Reading Comprehension Activities for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It consists of one book which includes reading texts, student worksheets, and teacher notes.
The resource is intended to give students practice using various reading comprehension strategies, including:
Pre-reading comprehension strategies
Comprehension strategies during and after reading
Topics include:
Purpose for reading
Types of meaning
Reading aloud
Using Bloom’s Taxonomy
These worksheets are designed to cover learning outcomes related to reading and understanding different types of texts.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not fillable online.
What materials are included?
All components are available in the workbook, i.e., reading texts, student worksheets, and teacher notes.
Student Worksheets and Teacher Notes: 200 Pages